Sep 7, 2010

Choose the Company You Keep

I realized that I am surrounded by strong, diligent, genuine, and hard working people who love the Lord and are passionate about life. I really do believe that living in such a good environment will help me to become more of the person I want to be. Sometimes I find myself slacking, or becoming overly pessimistic. This happens when I am around people who are slackers...and a bit too pessimistic.

The solution is to choose my friends wisely, and to intentionally spend time in healthy environments. I don't want to waste a moment on anything that does not serve God and strengthen my spirit and mind.

Being back at school always reminds me of how great this community is if you know how to manage your time. It's easy to hang out with people who don't challenge you and push you to be better. It's easy to settle for less and run away from your problems. And it's really easy to get caught up in the routine without finding the deep friendships we all need. With this being my third year at a Christian University, I seem to have finally settled into the real relationships that will last a lifetime.

I will only have this community for these next two years. I will never again be surrounded by people on a daily basis who are continually striving to grow closer to God. Even though it is not "real life", I am thankful to be here. Because these people inspire me.

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