Mar 25, 2011

Missing Home

Lately, I have been too easily irritated. Being in Ireland is great, don't get me wrong. But there are those moments, those days, when I crave to be home. I miss the people in my life who know me deeply, and I really can't wait to get back to the familiarity of the States. I have learned so much about myself already, and now I am being challenged to keep growing rather than give up.

One thing I know for sure is that I will no longer hate on the USA as much as I used to.


  1. I can imagine getting a bit homesick while being overseas. Even if it's not exactly "homesick" but more of a "The USA rocks." kind of feeling. ;) But enjoy your time! You're lucky to be there, really. So many people would kill to be in your shoes!

  2. Hanna and I were talking about this on the DART the other day, and we've been struggling with the same thing. We're still trying like you are to make the most of this awesome opportunity. If you need anything, let us know! It'll make the experience more worthwhile if we can help each other=)

  3. What an inspirational post, Allison! I imagine I would probably get homesick too...and yes, though I complain sometimes about the USA and how I think Europe is probably better, deep down I truly love it and am so glad to be living here!

    At least you have your fiance to keep you company until you come home! :)

