Dec 14, 2010


So instead of studying for finals last night, I stayed up until 4:00am with my friend Kate making the wedding website. I just couldn't stop.

Check it out here.

Included in the website is a wedding blog that I will be updating during the planning process, so be sure to check that out once in a while if you're interested in weddings and everything that goes with them.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Now it's back to finals. After today I will be a free woman, and I will be devoting all of my time to wedding planning and Ireland preparation.


  1. Ahh the joys of procrastination. :) Good luck on your finals!

  2. Oh this is fantastic! I love the little wedding blog! I'll for sure keep checking in on it. :)

    Whenever I'm designing my blog I cannot stop either! :)

    Hope your finals went well, love! Good luck with wedding plans...and what's this about Ireland?!

