Mar 31, 2011


Avoca = a perfect girl getaway. So during a time of constant assignments and Irish literature reading, me and another six ladies decided that it was time to get out of the house and into Avoca. I think we spent over three hours there. I did not expect the place to be so absolutely cute and girly, but it was just that and then some.

I really wasn't planning on buying anything there...oops.

I had to get the cookbook and Tea Time book. I just had to.

How funny are these? The tips are even better. I read them aloud on the way home and we were all dying laughing.

smell good soap.

the perfect cups for Jordan and I.

I also bought some cinnamon flavored honey, long comfy socks, and of course a few souvenirs for my little sis and Mom back home :]

Click here to see the Avoca website.


  1. Oh goodness gracious this place looks and sounds like such a brilliant place. I want to go there so badly! That food looks heavenly, the store looks beautiful, the clothes look fantastic, and I just generally want to go there!

    What a delightful way to spend an afternoon with friends. And I do not blame you for buying the cook book and tea looks absolutely adorable!

    What a lovely afternoon, darling.


  2. I went to Ireland in January and I just so happened to stumble to the Avoca store in Dublin. My life was changed. It is the land of beautiful things and everything lovely. I even blogged about it ( Your blog is beautiful!
