May 9, 2010

This weekend I have been sick with a fever and cold. Of course this happened three days before I leave on my mission trip to Greece. Praise God that I am now back to my normal healthy self other than a minor sore throat.

Since I was parked on the couch and in bed all weekend, I was unable to be productive and do the things I wanted to do before I leave. But I did get to spend some time at home and away from my typical fast paced life.

I do have to say that my wonderful boyfriend drove from Marion to Battle Creek yesterday just to take care of me while I was sick. He did this even though we were all going back to Marion today.

Now I am all packed and ready to leave at 5:00am tomorrow. With a twelve hour flight I will have plenty of time to rest. I am also very thrilled that we will have a layover in Paris! It will only be a few hours, but I am hoping I can catch a glimpse of the city.

I wish I knew what to expect in Greece. I know the basics of our mission, but really I have no idea what our schedule will be like. I don't know what we will be doing from day to day, and the uncertainty is going to be such a good lesson for me. I need to learn how not to plan. I need to be content with following someone and letting things happen. I know it will be dangerous and foreign, but I also know that we will be protected. Our purpose is God's purpose, so why should we be afraid? There isn't a worry in my mind, and there shouldn't be.

This trip is going to change my life. I will return with new and opened eyes.

Our team is going to have some internet access, and I am told we will be able to update our team blog:

We will be working with a missions organization, International Teams, and these are some websites that give information about what we will be doing in Athens:

Each year, an estimated 600,000
to 800,000 people are trafficked
across international borders (some
international organizations place
the number far higher), and the
trade is growing.

Of the people trafficked across
international borders, 70% are
female and 50% are children.
The majority of these victims are
forced into the commercial sex

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